Friday 9 November 2012

Rallis are made from scraps of cotton

Rallis are made from scraps of cotton fabric dyed to the desired color. The most common colors are white, black, red and yellow or orange with green, dark blue or purple. For the bottoms of the rallis, the women use old pieces of tie-dye, a
jrak or other shawl fabric. Ralli quilts have a few layers of worn fabric or cotton fibers between the top and bottom layers. The layers are held together by thick colored thread stitched in straight lines. The women sit on the ground and do not use a quilting frame.

we are searching for water

from ages we are searching for water, The coal burred under our mud from million years , yes you had search it but please don't take it , it is the one of the only thing which God blesses us; some day our children's will use it for their better future

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai

The arrangements of organizing three days annual “urs” celebrations of great Sufi Saint Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai have been finalized by Mela Organizing Committee in its meeting held on Thursday at Bhitshah Rest House under the chair of Sindh Culture Secretary Abdul Aziz Uqeli. The 268th three days annual urs celebrations of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai will be held from November 8 to 10, 2012 at Bhitshah

Thursday 8 November 2012

Sindhi History


صدين کان شاندار تهذيبي ورثي مالڪ ۽ قدرتي وسيلن ۾ انتهائي  زرخيز رهي آهي . سنڌ دنيا جي اهم ملڪ ۽ قوم جي حيثي آزاد رهي آهي. سنڌ جي وسيلن ۽ اختيار تي قبضي لا۽ ڌاري قوتن پاران هميشه  قبضي جي ڪوشش ٿيندي رهي آهي.سنڌ ڌرتي ماءُ جي حفاظت لا۽ سنڌي ڪونڌر لکن جي انگ ۾ پنهنجون جانيون قربان ڪيون آهن ۽ هي سرفروشي جو سلسلو جاري آهي. جيستائين دنيا ۾ ڏاڍ ، ظلم ۽ جبر جي زور تي مظلوم قومن جي وسيلن تي قابض ٿيڻ واري روش قائم آهي . تيسين حق ، سڄ ۽ پنهنجي وسيلن جي حفاظت واري جنگ ۽ جدوجھد به مسلسل جاري
سنڌ جي سڀيتا پنج هزار سالن جو سفر طئي ڪري اڄ انتهائي ڏکي موڙ تي پهتي آهي ، اڄ هن جي وجود کي ڇيهو رسائڻ جون سازشون ٿي رهيون آهن ، آزادي ۽ مذهب جي نالي ۾ ڏاڍ ۽ جبر جي زور تي سنڌين کي غلام ۽ انهن جي وسيلن تي قبضو ڪيو ويو آهي. سنت ۽ صوفي منش سنڌي خلق کي مذهب ، فرقن ، ذات پات ۽ ٻولي جي بنياد تي پاڻ ۾ وڙهايو  ويو آهي. زندگي جي هر بنيادي سهولتين جھڙوڪ تعليم ،صحت ،امن ، روزگار کان محروم ڪيو ويو آهي.
اڄ، سنڌ ۾ سنڌين جو جيئڻ جنجال ڪيو ويو آهي اتي سنڌين جي حقن جي حاصلات لا۽ جدوجھد به سالن کان جاري آهي. ميڊيا جي آواز اڄ جديد هٿيارن کي به مات ڏئي ڇڏي آهي. سنڌي ميڊيا پنهنجو ڪردار تاريخي طور نڀائي رهي آهي. سنڌي ميڊيا جي اهڙي ويڙه سنڌي ماڻهن ۾ وڏو اتساهه پيدا ڪيو آهي. سنڌي قوم پنهنجي خلاف ٿيندڙ سازشن کي منهن ڏيڻ لا۽ نروار ٿي نڪري پئي آهي. لکن جي انگ ۾  گڏجي اتحاد جو مظاهرو ڪري پنهنجي حقن جي ويڙه وڙهي رهي آهي.
سنڌ کان سوا۽ دنيا جي ڪنڍ ڪڙڇ ۾ سنڌي آباد آهن.پنهنجي سڀيتا ، ٻولي ۽ وسيلن جي لٽ مار جي حوالي سان وڏي اونهي ۾ مبتلا آهن.
ريڊيو وائيس آف سنڌ ، لنڊن جو مول مقصد سنڌ واسين کي هڪ لڙي ۾ پوئي ، انهن جي آواز کي موثر بنائي ۽ انهن جي واهر لا۽ پاڻ پتوڙڻ آهي. سنڌ جي وطن دوست ڌرين جي جدوجھد کي اثرائتي انداز ۾  دنيا جي مهذب قومن ۽ ادارن تائين پهچائڻ آهي.
ريڊيو وائيس آف سنڌ ، لنڊن دنيا جي مختلف حصن ۾ آباد سنڌين کي هڪ پليٽ فارم تي گڏ ڪري هڪ قوم هجڻ جو ذريعو آهي.
اچو ته سنڌين جي آواز ريڊيو وائيس آف سنڌ، لنڊن کي هڙون ۽ وڙون من جي ويساه سان سهڪار ڪريون
اچو ته پنهنجي قومي ۽ مڪاني مسئلن کي دنيا تائين پهچائڻ لا۽ ريڊيو وائيس آف سنڌ جو آواز بڻجون.
                                سنڌ شل آباد ۽ شاداب ٿئي _هت هر سنڌي ماڻهو سکيو ستابو ٿئي.
Sindh Possesses The Civilised, Glorious And Prosperous Past Throughout The Centuries. Due To Its Flourishing Nature And Having Abundant Natural Resources, Has Always Remained The Passageway And Under Attack Of The Occupying Forces. However, It Is Evident From History That The Sons Of Soil Have Always Remained On Forefront And Have Sacrificed Their Lives In Millions To Protect Their Motherland Through The Centuries And This Array Remains Continue Until Today.
The Struggles For The Path Of Truth And To Protect The Rights And Resources Of The Nation Will Remain Continue Until The Cruelty, Tyranny, Despotism, Repression And Domination Of The Oppressed Nation On The Earth Exists.
Currently, Sindh Maintaining Its Existences Through The Centuries Is Standing At A Very Difficult Juncture Of History. The Oppressors Have Plotted Grave Conspiracies Against Its Existence. They Have Made The Nation Slave And Controlled All Its Resources In The Name Of Brotherhood And Religion. They Have Created An Atmosphere Of Civil War Among The Mystic People Of Sindh In The Name Of Religion, Sectarianism, Creed, Cast And Linguistic Basis In Order To Keep The Tight Grip Over The Chains Of Slavery. The Sindhi Nation Has Been Deprived And Destitute Of Its Fundamental Rights Of Sovereignty, Education, Health, Employment And Peace.
With The Passage Of Time The Oppressors Have Changed Their Ways And Tools Of Oppression. The Sindhis Have Been Marginalized, Pushed Against The Wall On Their Own Land And Their Autonomy Has Been Abolished Badly. In The Current Ages The Media Has Been Proven Very Effective And Efficient Tool Against The Modern Weapons In The Fight Of Attaining The Rights. Sindhi Media Is Playing Very Vital And Historical Role In This Crucial Time And Is Proving To Be A Source Of Inspiration For Its Masses. The Sindhi Nation Is Steadfast And Firm To Fight Against These Conspiracies And Has Gathered In Millions To Proclaimits Right Of Self Rule.
Apart From Sindh, Sindhisreside In Every Corner Of The Globe And Are Very Apprehensive About The Protection Of Their Glorious History, Existence, National Identity, Language, And Resource Rich Land. They Offer Their Love, Affections, Cooperation Through Modern Ways Of Mass Communication. Radio Voice Of Sindh, London Is Continuity Of Such Efforts. Its Purpose Is To UniteSindhis Around The Globe On A Single Platform, To Be The Voice Of Those Sindh Loving People Who Struggle For The Prosperous And Sovereign Sindh And Raise Thevoice Of Oppressed In The Corridors Of Civilized Nations And Their Institutes.  It Will Also Play An Important Role In Polishing And Refining The Intellectual Capabilities And Skills Of Sindhi Diaspora.
Let Us Join Our Hand Together To Support Intellectually, Psychologically, Morally And Financially To The Voice Of Unheard Sindhis, The Radio Voice Of Sindh, London. Let Us Be The Voice Of Radio Voice Of Sindh London, To Raise Our Local And National Issues Around The Globe For Better Understanding.
Long Live Sindh, Sindhi Nation To Flourish And Be Prosperous 

Sir Allama Mohammad Iqbal

Sir Allama Mohammad Iqbal a philosopher, poet and politician in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is considered one of the most important figures in Urdu literature, with literary work in both the Urdu and Persian languages.

Iqbal is admired as a prominent classical poet by Pakistani, Iranian, Indian and other international scholars of literature.Though Iqbal is best known as an eminent poet, he is also a highly acclaimed "Muslim philosophical thinker of modern times". His first poetry book, Asrar-e-Khudi, appeared in the Persian language in 1915, and other books of poetry include Rumuz-i-Bekhudi, Payam-i-Mashriq and Zabur-i-Ajam.

Amongst these his best known Urdu works are Bang-i-Dara, Bal-i-Jibril, Zarb-i Kalim and a part of Armughan-e-Hijaz. In Iran and Afghanistan, he is famous as Iqbāl-e Lāhorī (اقبال لاهوری) (Iqbal of Lahore), and he is most appreciated for his Persian work. Along with his Urdu and Persian poetry, his various Urdu and English lectures and letters have been very influential in cultural, social, religious and political disputes over the years.

In 1922, he was knighted by King George V, giving him the title "Sir".